Sunday, June 8, 2014

May catch-up

Another new one this year, Birds' Foot Violet. It's one of the ones I got at the Boston Flower Show in March.

Somehow, I'm always surprised that the Jack in the Pulpit keeps coming back.  It's such a woodland plant and my yard is not exactly a woodland. But it seems happy in the shaded corner by the shed.

Chrysoganum (Green and Gold) doing well this year.

Wild Blue Phlox - another one of my spring favorites.

A small forest of Eastern Columbine.  They grow so tall in my garden.  In the woods, they are much smaller.

Blue Flag Iris starting up, along with Amsonia and Wild Geranium

Crested Iris and the creeping form of Foam Flower

The Creeping Foam Flower up close.  It has done really well.  True to its name, it has spread well.

Earlier in May - the Moss Phlox provides early color

A new one this year - Bishop's Cap. 

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